About The Snap Dragon's Lair and Me

The Snap Dragon's Lair (AKA Got Milk Glass And More)

♥ "Fashion fades, only style remains the same."  Coco Chanel

We have vintage milk glass, jewelry, handbags, pottery, household items, salt and peppers, novelty items, and odds and ends for every collector.

Vintage items are great hostess gifts for holiday parties, perfect for the office Secret Santa pool or co-workers or secretaries. And, what about your own parties? You need to decorate and serve food. Using vintage items makes the holidays even more festive!

We’ve always loved searching for that perfect piece of pottery or milk glass and our house is filled with the treasures we’ve found over the years. Any time we're traveling, the car seems to find an antique shop.

We’re hoping that the fruits of our years of searching can brighten your house as it has ours. We have a variety of interests and that’s what shows up in our shop. We’re still addicted to the search, so items will be added as we find them.

I do not consider myself an expert of any of the items I have listed. I learn as I go and try to pass along the information to you. I describe the item the best I can and will point out any defects or points of concern. If I make a mistake, it’s an honest one, and I will make it right.
